It seems such a long time since I posted.
I'm still here Mutha F******
My cancerversary on the 30th of September was celebrated by a quiet evening down the pub.
I had my annual mammogram in October and was given NED (No evidence of disease)
I'm back at work (I started 30th of June) with a phased return to work and dropped my hours from 37 to 30 hours per week.
I have some side effects ......
I have pain in my left hip, I've had a clear bone scan and a clear x-ray and awaiting futher investigations! I'm currently on anti-inflammatory tablets, calci chews and painkillers.
Nothing I can't deal with BUT just something you learn to deal with. I'm no longer experiencing fatigue and just getting on with life.
I'm still on the hot sweats though :(
I have hair that I'm sure some old dear would happily pay for. It's the perm and set - cant do **** all with look
ta da
Keep going. YOU CAN DO THIS xxxx